About Alia

A middle-eastern writer who crosses the boundaries of the orthodox through poems and short stories. An advocate of life, creativity, mysticism, and rebellion against the familiar.



27 thoughts on “About Alia

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  1. اختى الغاليه
    اشكرك جدا على عنايتك
    وان شاء الله نكون متواصلين على الخير
    دمتي بود

  2. اختي اذا احببت التواصل ابعثي لي على ايميلك على مدونتي ولانني اشرف عليها فلن انشر ردك فقط ساخذ الايميل واحذف الرد – فقط ضعي فيه الايميل
    اما اذا لم ترغبي بالتواصل فانسي الامر ولكي جزيل الشكر من قبل ومن بعد
    خالص مودتي

  3. Thanks for visiting and commenting at my blog, Alia! Anyone who likes “Alice in Wonderland” also like satire, especially political satire. Lewis Carroll wrote the book not only for children but also adults. So have fun with it!

  4. hey there 🙂
    you’ve got a great blog! I find your writting quite insightful – and its always more fun to unravel if its disguised as nonsense :D. Im still working on understanding all of the arabic though :$
    Thank you for visiting me and ill definately stop by yours often 🙂

  5. Congratulations on your blog. Keep creating and expanding your perspectives upon what you really find intriguing. I see you have what it takes..so use it wisely 🙂

  6. Gratian, Dalilah, Louise and BajanPoet: Thank u for ur kind words, it is a pleasure to read ur comments. Hope to read more of ur feedback =) !

    1. Now I feel that I know you a little bit more…. 🙂 Quite an interest you have! And most of it is similar to my interest! 🙂 Well I wish you best of luck with Freshwoman year 😀 … I only had one friend from Saudi with whom I’ve lost contact now 😦 … so am excited to have another friend … 🙂

  7. Thank you Elyas ! As I said, feel free to ask me anything.
    I’m starting my second year 🙂 Good luck to you too and hopefully we won’t lose contact 😀

  8. علياء ، نشكر لك زيارتك ويسرنا انك وجدت ما اعجبك ونتمنى ان نرتقي إلى اﻷفضل . لديك مدونة رائعة بكل سطورها تعكس حسا ثقافيا وادبيا جميـﻻ ، ونتمنى ان نرى اﻷكثر واﻷجمل ، ولك كل التوفيق

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